Soft Skills – Far Beyond Career!

Soft skills are important in all aspect of life – far beyond career. Developing soft skill will help you in various ways. You will have better control on your emotions and thus relationship with your parents, friends, peers and seniors will deepen further. You will attract positive minded people into your life and this will help in overcoming obstacles due to their powerful positive vibes and motivation. You will be successful in achieving goals and thus will gain people’s respect and admiration. You will become a role model for others, and demonstrate them how they can be more successful. You will have better control on your events and incidents in your life and will have a satisfactory feeling that you have more control of your life.

In addition to the long list of ways your life will be enhanced, you will be making this world a better place.

Knowing Yourself: To be successful a person should be aware of his/her capabilities and limitations. Your success is heavily influenced by your level of self awareness. The more self aware you are, the better you will:

  • Have the confidence to do what is required for success.
  • Adapt to changes and handle situations in life.
  • Communicate with all sorts of people at different levels.
  • Receive criticism and feedback and work on improving yourself.

Knowing about yourself also helps you to sharpen your edge, as it helps you to learn new skills in a better way and develop the personality.

What is self awareness? Self awareness is having a clear perception of your personality including your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and motivations.

How to develop? Self awareness as discussed is a clear idea of self, hence reading a book would not help you in developing yours. Developing self awareness is like learning to drive a car. You have to be aware of steering, gear, brakes, speed, road, directions, pedestrians etc…. Self awareness isn’t learnt from book, driving isn’t either.

One of the techniques to be self aware is to become observant about thoughts and small triggers that build up your emotions.

Question yourself about your strength, talents and passion. Take time out to answer what are your values, beliefs, and vision about your future. How often you do this is not important as long as it is regular enough for you to feel like you are in the driver seat of your career.

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