Tag Archives: Emotion

“The deeper I go into myself the more I realize that I am my own enemy.” ― Floriano Martins

This is particularly that period of time when I am down in my energies and in a lull moment of the day. The weather here is also not showing any mercy with the temperatures soaring high. Should I blame it on the outside conditions to what’s happening internally, I have been ignorant of myself. All these years it was a journey from outside. I have been driven by what the others expected me of. All these years I have driven thoughts my own inklings away in the the quest of being a norm and that is what made me loner inside.

For a long time I was ignorant to myself and that cluttered my emotional compartment, it still does. Digging deep into what shaped me, my experiences with life….. good or bad.

It is nobody’s business to envisage your life then why do we give the reigns to someone who does not even know what one is up to. Stop handing over the power of your thoughts to someone who is not even a bit of your story.  Today decide for yourself how your story unfolds and give it a purpose to be lived. However only purpose is not the true manifestation of life. Life is about being playful and being there in every role of it and being completely engrossed into it. When you are completely lost at it; its the moment of discovery. The true self emerges when you forego who you are. The journey is challenging and not a quick fix one. A lot of cleansing would be required and lot to be undone.

Start with focusing on your thoughts, identify are they yours or someone else is running through your mind. If need be journal them so as to get the clarity. Identification is one step towards finding out. Thoughts and beliefs that are dysfunctional discard; that way start cleansing yourself. Cleaning takes up lot of you but at the end of it a clean slate is always good to write on. It also means relishing what you believe and living by it. Making some tough decision on the go and sticking to them.

Announcing your intentions and not setting up expectations from others is what can be done….. Easy said than done (Its still work in progress for me!) Instead start searching for answers within.

This journey is worth taking; it has made me calmer and peaceful. It has set me free from unrealistic expectations and at the same time readied me for accepting the reality.


I have an issue with self doubt. I started covering it up with a notion that I need to learn more things before I get into doing something. I worked hard to gather information and avoiding the action till the last minute. Finally getting exhausted with all the resisting and pushing away act. I started working by announcing my fears, my doubt to my inner circle, acknowledging my feelings and then working through them. I learnt that fears and doubts when sounded off gives me a freedom to see through and hence slackening their grip on me. It gives an immense released feeling and lightens up the heart. Acknowledging the way i feel no longer bothers me.

There comes a freedom with accepting your feelings and emotions. It’s like a release of some sort. You learn to co-exist and be okay with its presence and not allow it to control how you act and feel anymore.

So at the end remember only you can stop yourself from damaging and destroying self. Stop being your own enemy. Give yourself the love and the worth you deserve and the universe is ready with hands-full to say AMEN!!

Image result for self realization

It’s NOW!!!

The past is gone time and life that will never be rewind. What you have lived is as lived forever. Nothing can be changed about the by-gone era what holds is the future. The very future that is un-predictive and unknown. This gives an erry feeling and the mind wants to be in contentment of what it has achieved, it has done. Future is not that holds unknown, it is what is lived in present NOW. Life is not about something happening after few years, months, days, hours or moments; it is NOW.

Are you aware of this NOW in your life? Every moment is the truth and unfold the most beautiful moment to you. Are you prepared to receive it ?

Being in the moment can happen when you are conscious about yourself. Mindfulness can work only when you allow yourself to be what you are and not force on what is required. Its challenging to control the desire to be what is required as it creates a conflict between the norms and authentic. Life is happening here with you; dance with it, sing with it and love it. No meanings to be made out of it; life itself is meaningless the whole game starts when we start giving meaning to it. The trouble is when present moment shows up opposite to what you have defined and then you start making it right as per your definition.  There is always going to be what is and what is not condition if you have a set of frame to live life. The NOW moment will get obliterated in past musings or evanish in the craving of future happiness. Keep yourself here and now and life will be a canvas to paint. To be here and now start participating in your life rather than observing it from the stands, bring yourself as a player to life and accept the rules of games. No strings attached to the winning or the losing of the game whats important is to feel, love and play the game. Even when the playground is not set the rules remain the same. Even when there is no option you still have a choice; a choice of being in the game or opting out of it. However once the choice is made there is no option.

Let the game begin the Game of Now; be in the playfullness and see how it unfolds the essence to you. Its a beautiful inkling of being here right now at this moment.  So live on to what could be your fullest  you and see how the world beholds your wishes to be what you are. The universe is here right now waiting for your to give what you ask for, all you have to do is ask at this moment.

From this moment on you have the power to change, from this moment on you have the freedom to love, from this moment on you have free will to forgive and from this moment on you have privilege to live.

The snapped cord

At times i just feel all by myself, lost and disconnected so very lost and apart from the real me. Life is on a roller coaster ride and its a great journey with no destination. What do i do when i have these feelings when i have a disconnect, a snapped cord internally.

Just call a technician and get it repaired. LOL very easy said than done.

Its that time to review your self talk, at first instance are you doing it or went on the mute mode. Start being grateful to everything present in your life. The challenges are just a situation in disguise to make you strong, if you are fighting one be thankful for all the energy that you have right at this moment.

Coming back to life is very essential and paying attention to the inner voice, the one that urges you to slow down on the track of life course, the squeaky voice that requests you to think of emotions, feelings and people who matters the most in your life. In the desire to have a bigger and better, larger than life, life just whizzes in thin air. There comes a point when the schema of things and action seems to be irrelevant and futile.

Why am I born human form and not something else should drive the life. Life is a celebration and serving. We are here in the plan to realize our calling for life. By fulfilling the life purpose we attain the ultimate satisfaction.

How do I repair or connect to the cord, simple talk to yourself, spend good time with self and check out your thought process.

As in Bhagwad Gita:

sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah
para-dharmat svanusthitat
sva-dharme nidhanam sreyah
para-dharmo bhayavahah

Know and follow your swadharma
That is your aptitude
It is always better to die
Following your own dharma
Following someone else’s path
And someone else’s dharma
Is against the very personal nature of our being
This is against the very aptitude (swadharma)
And can potentially lead to fear inside.
(Fear of the unknown and
The fear of being against one’s nature

Following your calling of life will always free oneself from fear of unknown and lead to ultimate satisfaction.

Howz You – FINE!!

Howz you? A question asked to me and I answered I am FINE! Hey, wait such an automated reply to this question that I didn’t even wait for a fraction of second to think and check out how am I today right now. Oh my my have I lost it, the connect with myself or just immersed into the noise outside that I have forgotten to check on myself. And here am i pondering over whats wrong or what needs to be done so as to get the ultimate question answered how to be satisfied and peaceful. The very connect with my inner core is missing and expecting the answers to show up in the external world.

svayam evätmanätmänaà
vettha tvaà puruñottama
bhüta-bhävana bhüteça
deva-deva jagat-pate

Indeed, You alone know Yourself by Your own internal potency, O Supreme
Person, origin of all, Lord of all beings, God of gods, Lord of the universe!

Chapter 10 Verse 15 Bhagwad Gita

‘Aham Brahmasmi’ you are the one who knows the answer to all the questions, still speculating and gambling on the external information to provide you the ultimate knowledge.

  Get in touch with thyself dear friend, believe me its one thing of utmost importance that should be there in your routine everyday with commitment and dedication. No time to pull out that space for yourself, check again whom are you fooling around with, its a con game you are into with yourself and the pay off is a feeling of busyness. Yes we all love being busy but for what at times this very purpose is not known and like the cute puppy of circus keeps on whirling on the circus wheel and exerting to dead. Go on a digital detox or a food detox or to an extent routine detox. Flush out the toxins that have built up due to the nonsense urge of staying connected and busy.

Today promise yourself a time out, relax and recline on the routine and ask yourself HOWZ YOU?

Love and Be Loved

Love is a feeling that can make you feel over the world but even this feeling needs a break. Yes one cannot be in love forever that’s what I feel. Love as any other feeling gets consumed or consumes you! When anything gets consumed its finished and this feeling then comes as emptyness in life to someone whom we love. A stage comes when we know exactly what the person is going to say or not say, we start predicting his/her actions and then inquisitiveness of the person gets over. No more engaging and enticing moments to look forward, no more hearty conversations to talk about. I know this may be quiet a staggering statement that i am making however i will stick to what i am saying.

Love like any feeling needs to be managed and worked on. Too much of it or too less of it is both emotionally not advised to have.

Can we stay in love forever; the answer is probably yes if you want to be in that feeling. You will have to exercise though the way you exercise to keep mind and body fit, you need to exercise to keep your relations fit and fine.

Have a hearty conversation with the person, an evening leisurely spend with person you love and a conversation opens many other channels of expressions. it is said a beautiful relation starts with a single word and that’s you!

Stop taking the other person granted, when was the last that you did something ritzy for that special person not just a plain candle lit dinner but something unexpected that made him/her on top of the world (& I am not talking about buying a 24K solitaire pleeeehhze) A small caring act will instantly create a ruffle and warmth most needed. Yes a simple beautiful action straight out of heart makes a hundred words go silent.

Love is not needed for the person who you love, this feeling is important for yourself for life. Love is one feeling that fills the giver more than what the receiver receives.

Stop being a miser and give what you can kindheartedly. Have you ever observed nature; the nature of nature is to give and to care and we all are from the nature then how can our nature be different from the nature.

When you are in the giving mode you receive what you deserve the most; the love and care that goes around comes back in some form or the other.

If all of us starts giving and caring our little bit of nature world would be a beautiful place to live in go on and manifest your true nature in this nature.


Memories are Fragile

Fragile is just a thought!

Only 7 items can be stored or kept in memory by a person and that too for a limited duration of time with a specific encoding. If this is science then memories are fragile and in today’s world of information explosion we are constantly bombarded with data.

With everything said and done why is it that we still hold are past? Amazing though that are brain cannot take more than 7 items at a time and to convert it into a long-term memory it does take lot of efforts. Applying this basis aren’t we using so much of energy for all those issues, people and events that really don’t matter with the passing time.

I get hurt due to some action of friend or colleague and I keep on reminding myself how he/she behaved unjust with me. How I was let down by the friend, colleague or spouse. Every time i encounter a similar person or event I retrieve the experience, add emotional spice to it and make myself perturbed.

Take a break my dear friend life is too short to be wasted on who said what and when or how the whole world ganged up against me to prove how am i wrong. Or even after so much of hard work how life was unfair to reward me with the best trophy.

Just for a second think about this for a moment are you here in some competition or a raging battle where winning or loosing is only desiderata of this precious, beautiful life. You are not here to win or lose, you are here to be cognizant of the fact that you are a part of superior consciousness  having the dexterity of creating a beautiful universe in the universe itself. Don’t make yourself fragile by expending energy in converting the unwanted futile events of life into life long memories that will suck energy out of it.

Go on and life free with no qualms or yesterday and no fretfulness of tomorrow. Life and make this fragile life an adamantine, intransigent one for the habitats of your universe.

Lets Drop It……. Contd

I hope you still remember the question that i asked “what will happen if i drop the egg?” The obvious answer is it will break into pieces.

Yes it will break into pieces and then there will nothing left to work on, i disagree to this. In life at times there are so many issues or obstacles that we keep on carrying all the time like the egg in hand and then we don’t want to let go as it might mean letting go ourselves. At times dropping them or just letting them go creates a lot of space and this space can then be use to build an all together different possibility that was not available to us while we were carrying the egg 😦

Dropping that heated argument with the loved one can free us form the pain and guilt. Dropping that sucking job can free us to get our entrepreneurial insights. Or simply drop the EGO and see what possibilities one can have after it.

Breaking is not advised in a positive term however this breaking is definitely help us in building up whole new environment with umpteen possibilities.

So it would be really great if you move ahead and just drop it!!!

Believe me its really relieving and liberating and the sense of freedom is awesome. You will simply love the feeling of lightness and boundlessness that will fill you once you drop it what you’ve been holding quiet a long.

Go release yourself, you have full right to be free and happy!!! 🙂

Just Drop it!!

What happens if I drop an egg on the floor? I know its a silly question and the answer is simple it will break into pieces. It will drop into something that cannot be rebuilt again as same egg, however will it still hold the possibility of been build into something else?
I am tossing this question to everyone, please comment, suggest or criticize it, I am doing the same I am toying with this question too….. Lets check out whether we can really build up something out of completely broken thing???


The Nav-rasas (Nine Elements) for Success

The Nav-rasas (Nine Elements) for Success:

Life is a rich fabric that gets color and texture from the instances and circumstances that occurs day in day out. The humdrum routine that characterizes everyday or the amazing, astounding and surprises that life sprung occasionally that make and keep our lives interesting are all threads that are woven together to form this tapestry.

However there is one thing common to every fabric of human life the fact that these occurrences evoke feelings in us, we respond to them with our emotions before they can become a part of our internal life. Indeed, life can be thought of as a continuous sequence of emotions that arise in various contexts and circumstances. These emotions, or rasas, are what give life different hues, shades and colors. How do these relate to the achieving the success in life?

  1. Shringar: means love with an extended meaning of devotion, if we don’t love what we do and do what we love with bursting devotion success will always be half baked.
  2. Hasya: If we don’t derive joy from the process how are we going to stay on our path during the testing times? A little humor adds color to life and to the humdrum struggle of achieving goals. One also has to take sarcasm with a pinch of sugar and let go it with a smile.
  3. Bhaya: This rasa can pull us down and deflect us from our path of efforts. If we don’t implement governance for this rasa it can crush us completely with its strength. That’s the power of Bhaya.
  4. Bhibitsya: Bhaya not controlled and managed at the right time can spiral us towards the feeling of Bhibitsya (disgust). Many a time fear does not allow us to take that risk or the first step, inaction leads to no change in the circumstances and then we are disaster-prone. This kind of state of affairs then pirouette to the higher level of emotions that is depression and self-pity. We have to be aware of the emotions as they are fatal for success.
  5. Roudra: When things go against our expectations, we don’t get the solutions to our problems we get irritated and stress. Thought the condition is not alarming but neither easy-going. Today most of us are in our Roudra-Roop (anger-altered state of mind). We fret over small issues; we get angry over minuscule things. Consciously or unnoticeable we are using this rasa to the hilt and look what we have done to ourselves. Suffering heart-attacks and other lifestyle disorders at a very young age, inflicting pain to ourselves or to others. Yes, agreed the journey is challenging, difficulty, irritating and at times really very stressful but we all have the capacity to raise above all odds and make life phenomenal.
  6. Veera: A timorous being can also be champion. All it takes is a snap of moment and the right dose of Veera Rasa. Veera is heroism, confidence and courage personified. We have read and had been witness to many stupendous deeds of human being who by nature was coy and demure but in strenuous circumstances they exhibited Veera Rasa and been the champions of life.
  7. Karunya: All philanthropies done to the mankind is only because Karunya filled in us. It’s one of those rasas that forbids from being heinous not just to the mankind but to the living beings on this planet. Compassion has always raised the bar of angelic quality in human being. If we are compassionate to our fellow worker imagine the possibilities that could open up and the world will be a beautiful place to live in.
  8. Shanta: Each one of us is striving for the ultimate peace; all our efforts are targeted toward the moment that gives the calmness and the relaxation of our life time. It’s a tight walk rope to be able to put Shanta Rasa in practice in midst of all the mayhem of life. This rasa helps us to connect with the mystic and the divine. The moment mystic and divine is experience we move on to the Adbhuta.
  9. Adbhuta: The ultimate goal of any soul is to be unison with its purpose of life. All the lifetime our pursuit is to find the real purpose of life. This could happen only when we are connected to our inner self. The moment soul has union with the purpose we feel the divinity, the awesomeness in us and we move on to be Adbhuta. All the great leaders and champions have achieved the Abhuta results that could never be thought of nor imagined.

Every emotion every Rasa is equally important and useful for our well-being and success. It is in our hand to exercise these nine Rasas for our benefits. Think about it when was the last you had all these Nav-Rasas in perfect balance. If you are finding it difficult to answer then it’s time to become Sachet (aware) and start exercising.

To get success we need to have all the Nav- Rasas playing in a perfect balance in our life.
